Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wk 4 Reading: The Sky is not the Limit!

Photo by Heather Hanes
Again I found this week's reading to be so in tune with where I am in my life.  Often times I find myself wondering what else I have to do to get my students attention and help them learn.  Then I read the chapter about lighting the spark.  I realize that I need to get them enrolled in their learning.  I have to light that spark of interest...which in itself is not an easy task.

The idea of "being the board" is one that is wonderful, but one that you have to make a conscious effort to do.  It is so easy to put blame on others or even yourself.  It isn't as easy to take a look at everything and assign no blame.  I can relate this to my current administration.  It seems as though she is always after me about something...I need to stop and look at what is causing this instead of feeling resentful about it.  What has caused her to react to me this way?  How can I get her enrolled into my vision?  Again...easier said than done!

Creating frameworks is something that I would like to focus more time on.  I like the idea of not assigning punishments or consequences for everything.  I like the idea of creating vision led goals and objectives.  I this might be the link I need to help them with the high stakes testing.  If I can create a vision that sparks the interest of the students, it doesn't have to be about "passing the test".

There is a sense of power in telling a "WE" story.  My ex-husband and I told "I/YOU" stories.  We didn't mean to do it...but it had the same end results...a realization that we were no longer happy together, yet couldn't pinpoint the moment that this happened.  Since then, I have made the effort with my current fiance to change the wording.  I use "WE" stories.  It's never "I want this" or "You did that".  It's this is what isn't working and how can WE fix it together.  I also found that there is less likely to be an argument of grand proportion of you say "WE", thus saying I am in this with you.

This book has greatly opened up my eyes to a different way of thinking.  It also came at a great time!  We currently have a family member that has moved to Florida from New York and is living with us.  She has recently become discouraged since she isn't finding a job as quickly as possible...I introduced her to the "Universe of Possibility" and various other teachings in the book.  I have noticed a change in her mood and she now has 2 interviews next week!


  1. Hi Heather,
    I really like the way you are incorporating what you read into your life. I am sorry you are having difficulty with an administrator. Relationships are our most difficult challenges in life and I think your positive attitude will serve you well. We cannot change anyone else only how we are which often makes it necessary for them to respond by changing.

  2. Heather,
    I love the way that you are making connection to this book. I feel the same way about it. I too like the "we" stories, as there is not point in pointing fingers. It never solves the problem. I like that as a WE every one feels a sense of responsibility. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

  3. Hi Heather
    Last time I get to respond to you. I appreciate your sharing your life with us. The framework section of the book was so challenging for me. The whole section on vision seems to be the opposite of what i have understood as vision. I am going to try and revisit my presuppositions of effective vision and vision casting. I am a part of administration and tend to blame administration.Being the board is killing me. I have to take back ownership and see how I can move our school forward.OK the first part of the book was cute the last portions are splinters in my brain, They hurt so good.

  4. Hi Heather
    I also think of my students while reading the chapters. I hope to light a spark in them that will light a spark in someone else and continue to grow. The most important part of teaching is teaching students to grow in their academics and as a person.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Amazing how we often get the message that we need at that exact moment. Life can be funny that way.
