Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wk 3 Response to Christine

Like my mic??

Christine wrote:
Practice 5: Leading from any chair
This practice was a great reminder for me.  As parents we often forget to let our kids lead.  As mom, I am the director.  I call the shots, but I also cook dinner, do laundry, pay bills, play counselor, supporter, protector, chauffer, and on and on.  While reading this practice I was reminded that like any good director I should sit back and let me kids lead.  My youngest son Alex who is 12 reminded me the other day that I have told him several times that he could cook dinner, but in his words “it never works out”.  He is right on that.  I would like to say it is because he has other things to do, but often it never works out because of me.  I have either been to distracted or found it easier to do it myself.  In either scenario from the tone of his voice he has been left clearly disappointed.  I am so glad to have read about this practice.  It was the reminder I absolutely needed.  Alex and I are going to plan a night where he can “lead from any chair” and make dinner. 

Practice 6: Rule Number 6:  Don’t take yourself so goddamn seriously! 
This practice made me really laugh!  I think this is great for EVERYONE!
I know I definitelty take myself too seriously!  This will be my new Mantra!

Practice 7:  The Way Things Are:
With every chapter I read I fall more and more in love with this book.  I am a strong believer in things happening for a reason and timing being everything.  In general I would say I am a positive person.  However, in the past several weeks my stress level has increased and I have found myself more and more frustrated with the way things are.  Usually, I can find peace and acceptance with the way things are and am able to continue moving forward.  However, recently I have found myself being more frustrated than usual and less patient.  These feelings leave me feeling overwhelmed and disheartened.  Neither of which I like feeling. While I was reading this chapter, I began to see these changes.  I am so glad that I have read this.  The reality of life is that things are the way they are at times and it is at those times that we have to take a deep breath and remember it’s the way things are today but not necessarily the way they will be tomorrow.  Finding acceptance today gives you the power to accept tomorrow. 

Practice 8: Giving Way to Passion:
As I was reading this chapter, I was aware that this is one area I must work on.  I have no identifiable passion.  Perhaps that is because I have yet to participate.  I can think of things I enjoy and those things I would like to do, but I am the master at ignoring or discouraging myself from participating.  For example, I like to sing.  I don’t have the confidence.  I have been told I have the ability, but when it comes to it I am afraid.  As I was reading this chapter I stopped and asked myself, “What am I afraid of?” The answer was not being good enough or failing.  As I made this realization it occurred to me, that I may or may not be good enough, but unless I participate I will never know.  I liked the concept of BTFI.  Beyond the Fuck It is where I need to go.  I need to hold my head up high, and sing if that is what I want to do.  This is a chapter I will definitely read again!

My response:


Getting out there and doing what you love is always a scary is intimidating to put yourself out there and see what the response is.  My motto:  This is what I love, if you don't...screw you (PG version here).  It has taken me years to get to that point, but once you are there it is so liberating! I love to sing...I am a horrible singer (smoking for a few years killed my voice)...I sing anyway.  I sing loud, I sing proud and I don't care the looks I get (I once had someone a few cars behind me that knew me who called my phone and told me to put my windows up b/c she could hear me from her car...I sang even louder).  The hardest part is HONESTLY not caring what people think, if it makes you happy.  I think that you are at the beginning of this realization and I hope you continue down that road.

All my best,


  1. Heather, Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and encouragement! I love the way you think!

    Warmest regards,

  2. And your post picture! That is excellent!!! and I do like your mic!!!
