Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wk 2 PPP Think Aloud

So this project has me a bit nervous.  I think my biggest challenge is seeing myself as worthy to present or submit a paper to a scholarly journal. 

When thinking of my strengths, I would think that doing a presentation to submit to a conference would be my best bet.  I love to speak in front of others and am very passionate about what I do.  Not that I'm not a strong writer, but I find myself to be more dynamic when speaking.  As far as what conference to submit to...who knows???  My friend and teammate since month 1, Jen Selix, suggested that we maybe do a combined presentation since our topics are so parallel.  This way we could show the impact not only to the education environment, but to the corporate and parent environments as well.  I think this is a wonderful idea and one I would like to further develop.

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