Friday, February 4, 2011


I spent a large majority of my evening tonight creating my new and improved iGoogle homepage...not exactly what most people would be doing on a Friday night, but the work of a student is never finished (especially when Superbowl Sunday is around the corner).

Here is my homepage.  On this page you will find my calendar, to do list, gmail, Facebook, Twitter, sports scores, news and recipes.  I chose the festive dot theme because the dots change colors every couple of hours and I love to see the change.
Home Tab

Next we will look at my FSO tab.  I customized the theme for my FSO tab.  It is a picture of my two rotties!  I wanted to put them up here because sometimes I feel like school pulls me away from them and now I can see them all the time.  Inside of this tab you will find a box of links to my school website, the Wimba classroom, my school email, and the EMDT mentor site.  On this page I also have a to do list and calendar as well as a box for LinkedIn.

My third tab contains everything I need for my final graduate school project.  The theme of this page is colored pencils because it reminded me of all the work I'm going to be doing, but in a whimsical way.  Inside of this tab I have a to do list, calendar, and links to the top 8 sites I use in regards to this project.
My fourth tab is for my current class, ETC.  Here I have my Google Docs, Google Reader, Blogger and the top 6 sites I will visit most often during this class (and I'm sure throughout the entire Full Sail Journey).  I chose hot pink zebra print because it just fits my personality to a tee!!!
My final tab was created to house all of my CBR team materials.  Here I have links to each team member's personal EMDT webpages and CBR pages, the FSO platform, and my personal EMDT page.  I also included Google Docs here, since we do so much work in Google Docs.  My theme here is Pittsburgh Steelers because they are the best team ever and so is my CBR team =)
Team Tab
I hope you have enjoyed your way through my new and improved personal learning environment!



1 comment:

  1. I love your themes and your enthusiasm! I'm especially fond of this green font... I am a font-obsessed person. lol
