Saturday, February 26, 2011

PE7_Final Project Reflection and Video

I was very impressed and excited about the reception my Web 2.0 tool, Glogster, received from my students.  They were extremely excited to get on the computer and jump into the creating!  There were a few "bumps" on the road.  Glogster is currently not an approved site on our school server, therefore, every time we went to the website it constantly asked whether or not it was work related.  The computers were also running slowly, so the students had to keep refreshing the page over and over again.  It was very frustrating for both the students and myself.  I would need to adjust the timeframe next time.  I didn't have enough class time to allow the students adequate researching and creating time, so the project will have to be extended to give more time.  Other than that, I thought the project went really well.

The ease at which I was able to incorporate this exciting tool makes me even more excited to start incorporating more/different tools and to share the success with my peers!

 I have included a video that started out as a documentary, but slowly morphed into a persuasive message because I didn't have enough footage to make it a documentary.

Keep learning!

Music:  iLife Gallery
Photos:  Microsoft Clipart Gallery and Personal photos obtained with parent permission

PE6_Final Project RILS Plan

Animal Adaptations using Glogster
Heather Pirraglia-Hanes 

Target Audience – My 5th grade students.  I currently teach 3 classes of 5th grade writing and science.  I have 22 students in two classes and 7 in the other.

Materials – PowerPoint, computer, smart board, Animal Adaptation content to teach.

The learners will identify the adaptations of a specific animal using research tools in order to create an interactive poster in Glogster.
The learners will analyze adaptations of a given animal in order to create an interactive poster.
The learners will explain how an animal uses its adaptations to thrive in its environment on the interactive poster created using Glogster.

Procedure – This is a weeklong mini unit.
Day 1 – Slides 2 - 5
Teacher will display and read the essential question on slide 2 and tell students that they will know the answer to the question by the end of the mini-lesson.
Teacher will read aloud the Key Vocabulary Terms from slide 2 and then add them to the science word wall.  Words: adaptation, trait, camouflage
Slide 3: Review the definition of adaptation
Slide 4: Link to the web site on plant adaptation.  Point out adaptations that plants have made in order to adapt to the resources in a variety of different environments.
Slide 5: Summary-Round Table: each students give an example of a plant and its adaptations
Assign students a plant or animal for their Glogster project.

Day 2 – Slides  6-7
Slide 6: Link to the web site on animal adaptation. Point out adaptations that animals have made in order to adapt to the resources in a variety of different environments.
Slide 7: Summary: Tag, You’re It!  Toss a stress ball from student to student. The student with the ball gives an example of an animal adaptation and then tosses the ball to another student.  If the receiving student cannot think of an example they toss it and sit down.  Play continues until all students are seated.
Allow students time during centers to work on their Glogster project.

Day 3    Slides 8-14
Slide 8: Working with their shoulder partner, have students come to agreement on answer. Have students share and then check their answers on slide 9.
Slide10: Working with their shoulder partner, have students come to agreement on answer.  Have students share and then check their answer on slide 11.
Slide12: Working with their shoulder partner, have students come to agreement on answer.  Have students share and then check their answer on slide 13.
Slide 14: Summarizing…answer the LEQ (What adaptations of organisms allow them to thrive in their environments?)
Allow students time during centers to work on their Glogster project.

Day 4 – Slides 15-20
Students read and work independently to answer questions on slide 15-18.  Check the answers on       slide 19.  Teacher should review answers with students.
Slide 20 Summarizing..First person writing.

Day 5
Give students mini assessment.
Glogster presentations.
Give students a homework assignment to write about how they felt about using Glogster, how their project went, and what changes they would make next in doing this again.

Web 2.0 Tool – Glogster.  Glogster is a website that allows you to create interactive posters that include graphics, images and video.

Social Participation/Social Learning – cooperative learning activities are utilized throughout the lessons.  Students are working in pairs and in small groups during instruction and then they are in small groups for centers.

Making Connections – Each student will be learning all about the adaptations of a specific plant or animal, thus connecting them on a global scale.  By having the students present their projects, students are connecting with each other by providing feedback and they are also connecting with the new plant or animal.  Students are learning there are different places around the world and becoming familiar with the different environments.  By giving some students animals they would find close to home, they also form a deeper connection with their home environment.

Create/Produce – Students will create an interactive poster using Glogster.  Posters will be shared on the last day via the SmartBoard.

Assessment – Students will take a mini assessment quiz at the end of the week to assess their knowledge of the material.  I will design a rubric for the Glogster posters.

Reflection –Students will reflect on how their project went over the weekend, after giving their presentation in their science journals.  Reflections should indicate how they feel the project went, what they liked about Glogster, what the didn’t like about Glogster and what they would change if they had to do the project again.

Friday, February 18, 2011


Today I sat down and created my Glogster poster for Camel Adaptations.  It was so much fun!  I was able to search for pictures on the internet for camels so that I could upload them into Glogster.  I found several pictures from a website called  I was just amazed at the speed with which I was able to create this poster.  It took me more time to find the pictures than it did to create the entire poster.

I was able to browse for backgrounds and there were numerous to choose from...from educational and basic to fun and funky!  Then it was a matter of clicking and typing.  I entered the major facts that I knew about camel adaptations along with the pictures I found.  I, then, decided I wanted a video in my presentation.  When I clicked on video I was given the option to search school tube videos and, low and behold, they had one about a camel!

I cannot wait to show my students the poster I created and to see their final products as well.  This is such a great motivating tool to get the students to produce the work you want, in a format they like!

Check below for a short video I put together showing me creating my "masterpiece"!


Thursday, February 17, 2011


This week we were given the assignment to add a web 2.0 tool to our learning environment to create a Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario.  You could add the tool to an existing lesson plan or create a new one.

I have decided to add Glogster to one of my upcoming units.  We are studying plant and animal adaptations and I thought that having them incorporate a Glogster interactive poster would be a great addition to this unit.  Each student will get their own plant or animal to study during the week, create a Glogster product, and then share their product at the end of the mini unit.  I should mention that I teach 5th grade Science.

I showed the students the site yesterday and they LOVED it!  They were so excited to be able to get on the computer and start creating.  I know that I am going to get the quality projects I desire from most of my students now, judging by their motivation.

I can't wait to see the final products!  I haven't seen my students so excited and motivated for a project in quite some time.

Check back later in the week for my "final product" on the camel and for updates about how my students are enjoying their experience.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

BP_7 OMM on School Rack

Here is my one minute video about School Rack.  Hope you enjoy!!

If for any reason it doesn't show click here to go to my Viddler site and watch it!

BP_6 Chanda's Voki Review

Check out my comment on Chanda's blog about Voki.  This is a fabulous web 2.0 tool that teachers can use to help motivate students and encourage participation from all!  Great tool, Chanda!


BP_5 Daniela's Glogster Review

Check out the comment I left on Daniela's blog about Glogster!  This is a wonderful tool that teachers should know about!



This week I chose to investigate a Web 2.0 tool called Panoramio. Panoramio is a website that showcases photos from around the world. Using Panoramio is very simplistic, however, I feel it could be a very powerful too when studying Geography or Social Studies.

You don’t have to be a member to use Panoramio. When you arrive at the webpage you simply enter the name of the area you are studying, click search, and are directed to a page that shows that area on a map and gives you thumbnails of photos available to look at. You click on the photo and it is enlarged. It also has a menu on the left hand side of the page that shows all the photos available for that area and you do not have to find the pictures on the map.
Type in your city or country
See your results!

Menu of all the pictures available

Another neat aspect of the website is that you can view the pictures from either a world map or from a satellite view.  I love letting students see the satellite view so that they get a real feel of what they lay of the land is.

Map View

Satellite View

If you do choose to create an account, the added benefit is that you are able to upload photos of places. Think of the benefits of this! We all have very diverse classrooms, with families from all over. The students LOVE to share where they are from, where they have been, etc. Now the students can gather family pictures of different places, bring them to school and discuss them, and then they can be uploaded to your page. At any point in time, you can log into your account and watch a slideshow of photos you have uploaded.  Creating an account is easy.  They pulled my information from my Google account and all I had to do was create a screen name.

When studying places around the world, we have often times shown pictures from a book or magazine. I know that I used to use Google images all the time, but now Google images has been blocked by my school district due to inappropriate content when searching. Now students can interact with geographical places using a map powered by Google Earth. They can see pictures that you might not usually find when researching certain cities, as these are photos that have been uploaded by individuals that have visited and we all know that different people take pictures of different things! They have the opportunity to add their own photos and make their learning more personalized.

Next time you are studying a certain city or country, I hope you will remember about Panoramio and give it a try!

View of Central America


Saturday, February 12, 2011


When I last left you in my previous blog, we had added new clips and created a video.  We had edited the video clips, the audio, the titles and the transitions.  We had also added a song.  Now we are ready to share the video!  There are many different options you have for sharing a video created in iMovie.

You can share it via iTunes, iDvd, You Tube, Mobile Me, export to your computer, or export to Final Cut for more advanced editing.

After choosing your method of sharing, you get a screen that let's you customize the size of your movie after exporting.  I have previously chosen either medium or large as none of my videos were intended for and iPod or iPhone.

Now just sit back and wait!  It could take some time depending on the size you chose.

Now these past several blogs are not in any way meant to show you EVERYTHING that iMovie can do.  There are so many more very cool options available to you:  green screen effects, customizable title screens, credit screens, interactive maps you can add, picture-in-picture options, cut away options, and much more.  I just showed you everything that was practical for me to use in the video I made.

You can check my viddler account by clicking the word viddler, and see my finished video below!  Hope you enjoy!

At the end of your Lynda training, you will receive a certificate of completion.  This certificate can be printed out and is great to add to a professional portfolio.



In this second blog about iMovie we move into the editing features...or playing as I like to call it.  This is where you start trying to figure out what direction you want your video to take.  I decided to take some video we shot of our dogs' first Christmas and put it into a video to share with family and friends.

I had already uploaded the video into iMovie, so now I just needed to look through and start adding the sections that I wanted.  I could arrange the clips easily by just dropping and dragging them.

Selecting clips is easy

I decided to choose a theme for my project and the photo album theme seemed the most logical.  When choosing a theme, it is best to keep the automatic transitions so that it stays with the flow of the theme.

Theme selection page

Even though the transitions and titles are added for you, you still have the option of personalizing and editing them to fit your needs.  Below you can see where I added the title and then customized how I wanted the first transition to look.

Title Screen
First Transition

iMovie also allows you to edit your video in various ways after adding it.  You can adjust the speed of your video, stabilize your video, add an effect to your video, and edit the audio of your video clip...all with a few clicks of the mouse!

Inspector for clip adjustment

Choose a video effect

Adjust your audio
I chose not to add a video effect, but if you do, all you have to do is copy that effect and you can paste it onto all your other slides without having to go into the inspector for each clip (very user friendly).  As you can see from my above audio picture.  I chose to turn the volume of my clip completely down or off.  There were lots of background noise, my boyfriend and I were talking to each other, the dogs were just was messy.  Instead I am adding background music throughout the video.  I also want to point out here that you have the choice of fading in and out, ducking the volume (making it lower while someone is talking) and normalizing the with everything in iMovie, if you don't like what you did, click revert to original and start again!

After working with the video, I decided to add still photos to the project as well.  The great thing about iMovie and still photos is that you can import easily from iPhoto, and you are able to adjust how the photos look (the Ken Burns effects).  The Ken Burns effects are how the photo is zoomed in during playback.

Editing Still Photos is Easy as Well

Editing the Ken Burn Effects

After editing how you want the picture to zoom, you can preview and then click done.

The final thing I wanted to do was add music.  I found a free Christmas music site:, where new artists upload their music for you to download and use royalty free.  There were a few restrictions, but private personal use was allowed.  I chose a song that was at least as long as my video, chose it from my iTunes library and then dropped it into the event.  If you didn't have music you wanted to use on your computer, iMovie has a great gallery of music and sounds you can use to customize your video.

In the next blog, I will show you the different sharing options and my final project!



Let's Get Started!
This week our task was to learn all of the major features of iMovie through  I have watched excerpts of this training as I have needed them previously, but this will be the first time I sit down and go through the entire course.  I am excited to learn all about how I can make my movies appear more professional!

First we learn how to import our video/photo files.  We were taught how to import from memory based cameras as well as tape cameras (which I found interesting as tape cameras are becoming more obsolete).  You also have the option of importing from the camera on your Macbook Pro (where you can film the video right then and subsequently import).

After we have imported our video, we are taught how to manage our video library.

Here we learn the basics of navigating though our library.  The new knowledge I learned here was how to merge and split events.  I had imported several videos on the same day, and not all were related.  This section taught me how to split the event into two distinct sections so that I would have an easier time working with the clips.  I didn't realize it was as easy as a few clicks!!

I also learned how to mark favorite clips or discard clips.  When I looked in my library, I realized that I had a lot of rejected clips taking up space.  Now I know how to move them to the system trash and save room for all the new clips I am importing or will be importing.

Here you can see that in this section alone, I had a little over 9 minutes of rejected clips.

This brings me to the end of my first blog on iMovie.  In the next blog we will begin playing with the great features iMovie has to offer!


Sunday, February 6, 2011


This week I chose to discover the benefits of  This website offers free classroom websites/blogs.  There is an available upgrade, but that has a monetary monthly fee of $5.95.  The website is designed to provide a place for teachers to communicate with both parents and students.

To sign up, teachers simply have to enter their first and last name, a password, and a user name.  Once your user name has been chosen it cannot be changed because it becomes part of your url, so users are cautioned to think carefully when choosing their user name.

Once registered you are directed to your dashboard, where you have a simple to-do list to create a full page quickly.  Your to-do list involves finding your school and registering it on your page, adding a homepage photo, creating your first page and post, and filling out your profile.

Filling out your profile is easy to do and in no time you are creating your first page.
My User Profile

I chose to set a page for all three of the classes I currently teach and then a group page for general 5th grade discussion.  Creating a page is easy to do, you just enter the name of your desired page.

Once you set up your pages, you need to create groups.  I created a separate group for each of my classes.  After creating the group, you are directed to a page that contains a group code.  The code is needed for students and parents to register for the site.  It also gives you the option to print out directions to be sent home on how to register with your code.

Creating Groups is Easy!

My Groups

Group Code

After creating your groups, you can now post assignments for your classes, start a discussion board, and create mailing lists.

Now for the fun part!  You can customize your webpage by choosing a theme and setting a heading and sub-heading to be seen on every page.  There are numerous themes to choose from in the free edition, but even more options are available by upgrading to the paid version.

Customize Screen

Finally, create your first post.  I created a welcome post and also added a few upcoming events to the calendar for the visitors to see.  I also started a discussion board thread pertaining to the upcoming FCAT testing.

I feel that this will be a very beneficial tool in my classroom.  It will allow parents to access student learning and assignment and to also interact with me in an open forum.  It will give students the opportunity to interact with their peers and me in a fun way that they are not used to.  I am not going to require that students post to the website, as not all of my students have computer access on a regular basis.  However, I will give students the option of posting on the webpage for certain assignments and for extra credit.

There are added benefits to having the paid version, such as password protection, increased number of pages you can post, and advanced page customizing.  For right now, though, I think that the free version will serve my purpose just fine.  If I see that the pages generates enough interest that I need additional pages, etc, then I may consider paying the $6 a month.

Thank you for stopping by, and if you get a chance please check out my new class website at


My Finished Product

Friday, February 4, 2011


I spent a large majority of my evening tonight creating my new and improved iGoogle homepage...not exactly what most people would be doing on a Friday night, but the work of a student is never finished (especially when Superbowl Sunday is around the corner).

Here is my homepage.  On this page you will find my calendar, to do list, gmail, Facebook, Twitter, sports scores, news and recipes.  I chose the festive dot theme because the dots change colors every couple of hours and I love to see the change.
Home Tab

Next we will look at my FSO tab.  I customized the theme for my FSO tab.  It is a picture of my two rotties!  I wanted to put them up here because sometimes I feel like school pulls me away from them and now I can see them all the time.  Inside of this tab you will find a box of links to my school website, the Wimba classroom, my school email, and the EMDT mentor site.  On this page I also have a to do list and calendar as well as a box for LinkedIn.

My third tab contains everything I need for my final graduate school project.  The theme of this page is colored pencils because it reminded me of all the work I'm going to be doing, but in a whimsical way.  Inside of this tab I have a to do list, calendar, and links to the top 8 sites I use in regards to this project.
My fourth tab is for my current class, ETC.  Here I have my Google Docs, Google Reader, Blogger and the top 6 sites I will visit most often during this class (and I'm sure throughout the entire Full Sail Journey).  I chose hot pink zebra print because it just fits my personality to a tee!!!
My final tab was created to house all of my CBR team materials.  Here I have links to each team member's personal EMDT webpages and CBR pages, the FSO platform, and my personal EMDT page.  I also included Google Docs here, since we do so much work in Google Docs.  My theme here is Pittsburgh Steelers because they are the best team ever and so is my CBR team =)
Team Tab
I hope you have enjoyed your way through my new and improved personal learning environment!



Thursday, February 3, 2011

BP1_Welcome to my blog

                       Every journey needs a place to start...and the perfect place is a Florida beach!


Welcome to the start of my blogging journey!  This blog will follow my current journey...graduate school.

My journey at Full Sail University started in October of this year when I joined the Education Media, Design and Technology Master's Program.

I cannot wait to share with you all the exciting things that I discover while on this amazing journey!

Thank you for visiting and please stop back soon,