Sunday, July 31, 2011

Long Time Since February

So, it has been a long time since I have updated the site...both schools took their toll on my free time!

Since February I have taken many wonderful classes at Full Sail, got engaged, purchased a home, and changed grade levels for the coming up school year.  WHEW!!!

I am entering into month 10 of my Full Sail journey and can't believe that I graduate soon! It seems like I just started and I am almost finished.  Full Sail has provided so many great opportunities to learn new things and meet new people.

This month we worked on gaming in the classroom...I have to tell you, if you are not using games in your so now!  This course was such an eye opener.  I advise every teacher to look into Quest Atlantis, Farmville (yes, Farmville), Kingdom's Nobility...and many more.  I will try to post a link to our course's delicious site for more fabulous games!

I will now be teaching 3rd grade...I have never taught 3rd grade, so I am a little bit nervous (ok maybe a lot bit nervous).  The hardest part about 3rd grade is that this is the first year they really take a hardcore standardized test.  I abhor state testing so it is sometime difficult for me to remain positive when telling the students about it.  Also in 3rd grade if you don't pass the test you don't go to 4th grade...that is a lot of pressure for little ones!